Iโ€™m trading in my iPhone 13 Pro Max for a regular iPhone 14. This shit is too heavy and Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s making my shoulder hurt too

So my wife is gone away till tomorrow night. I forgot this was happening and havenโ€™t really planned to do anything. I guess I can work out and catch up on some reading or something


Yes, people who changed their names for halloween are now stuck with them. Not sitting well - although some are pretty funny when taken in a different context.

Twitter is so fucked. I created an account to see it for myself. You canโ€™t even change your display name.

@sj This is how this world is rotten. There are always two zones. One with the principle and live with it. One without code destroys everything just for the interests of their own.

What a wonderful platform. Just vile horrible people mocking victims of a billionaireโ€™s madness.

BiLlIoNaIrEs CrEaTe JoBs

@sj Great post. Makes me wonder, where do you think are safer places to live? I fear fascism could be a worldwide influence, although early results in Brazil are encouraging. It would be a shame to leave everything behind only to find folks in oneโ€™s new country embracing Fascism and violence.

โ€œThe world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering.โ€ โ€” Tom Waits.

At the gate. The horrendous layover is almost over. Huzzah. My cats will be delighted and pissed off to see me after two weeks.

Finished my 3rd beer. Do I get a 4th? Flight isnโ€™t for another 3 hours. Half way through my 6 hour layover!

@kel @sj

How is it I only just now found out about [#]DadJokes?


Another pin.

This 6 hour layover is killing me. 4 hours to go and Iโ€™m way too tired to read a book. ๐Ÿ˜ญ help!

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