still amazing all these years later that we elected into our highest office a presidential candidate that physically mocked a disabled journalist, and nicknamed a sitting senator 'pocahontas'


@Chigliak one of the most important early parts of the ur-fascist mission Trump was on was giving his supporters permission to be hateful and bigoted. They saw him get away with it without consequences and they realized they didn’t have to hide their own hateful behavior anymore. The cruelty is the point.

@shinxy the cruelty is always the point ... he tuned into some crazy pent up anger and rode it all the way to the white house

@Chigliak you can draw a straight line between those early examples that were played off as “just jokes”, and the increasingly eliminationist rhetoric today towards immigrants, trans people, gay people, teachers, liberals, anyone who they see as not one of them… it’s all priming them for violence.

@shinxy in regards to Trump directly, it all started with his '15 elevator speech at Trump Tower and ended with 1/6 .. of course the issue is way bigger than Trump, but he was the one able to see the kindling, and light the spark

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