Running five minutes behind, only four handicap parking spots at the hospital, and only one person at the check-in desk and she was on the phone until finally another gal started helping, all equaled me checking in 14 minutes late for my appointment. They have a 15-minute cut-off. My doctor refused to see me. 🤬 What is the f***** point of checking-in on MyChart if I still have to check-in at the desk?? 🤬
I came pretty close to doing that. I thought about telling them they owe me gas money.
Two weeks ago, I had to get very loud with a nurse at my primary’s clinic because she didn’t return two separate MyChart messages and numerous calls to in which the phone folks sent emails to the clinic director and management.
In addition to that incident, two of my orthopedic doctors,( spine & hip), have refused to co-sign my application for disability.
This year has been frustrating. 😞