I’m cleaning out my desk drawers and found these all neatly placed in a baggie that is obviously very old.
I'm wondering if there's any reason I should keep: a short coaxial cable, ethernet cables, and a USB-A to USB-B cable? I obviously have never needed 'em if they've been stuck in the back nether regions of my desk drawers.
I’ve already got a large shopping tote with e-waste, which is why I’m going thru all the stuff that has been hidden away and forgotten about.
@see_the_sus you know the moment you get rid of them you'll find you need them. Murphy's Law
Yep. Unfortunately, I’ll have to risk it unless I can find some unknown space in my closet that isn’t being used. 😏
I call it "Mojo!"
NEVER throw out the Mojo. I have a collection. Ethernet cables and those God awful coaxials might save your bacon one day. I feel it in my gut.
I’d prefer to keep such stuff but my storage space options are pretty spartan so it’ll all have to go into my e-waste pile to get recycled.
@see_the_sus I have 2 big rubber maid tubs of cables and connectors that I fall back on. Yes, I have a Best Buy about 4 exits down the interstate, but I'm not constrained by hours of operation or availability of transportation. I only have to remember where I put my stepladder.
It cost me nothing to NOT throw miscellaneous stuff away.
I would keep the stuff but I don’t have the space.
@see_the_sus Get a big plastic tub and label it "Big ole box of copper" then add to it everytime you come across a wire. Before long it will unexplainably get full and you can take it to recycle for scrap metal.