My "roommate" just told me she will vote for DeSatan for president,, because he's banning "smut" being read by grade schoolers & CRT in schools (which she says teaches that everyone's always racist).
She is so up her own ass, I can't talk to her.
And she thinks Trudeau & Zelenskyy are dictators.
I don't know where she gets her "news," but I'm pretty sure it's from some RWNJ sources that are the very definition of FAKE that is made about actual critical news sources.
How do I even talk to or argue with people like THIS???
I REALLY would like to know, because it always ends up in a fight & with me leaving.
She thinks she is right. I KNOW she is not.
Banning books & leading with hate & fear is NOT THE FUCKING WAY!
How do you explain this so people will understand? FFS!!
I think this is the best scenario. She sounds a lot like my mom and I've learned to either say, "Mom, I'm not going to discuss this with you." Or a lot of times I'll just hmm and haw or say something like, "Oh, ok."
The trick, so-to-speak, is to not take her issues personally. She doesn't give a rat's ass how you feel so don't give a rat's ass how she feels.
And, as soon as possible, move out.
Good luck! ♥️
That's why I said as soon as possible. If that means a year from now, then a year from now. If you can, try to put $10 into your savings account every month. I know how difficult this sounds cause I've never made much money but I've found that my mood improves when I stash money away. It helps me feel like I have some control over my life.