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I’ve always hated coming up with titles for my photographs, but the “describe for the visually impaired”, feature is wonderful.

I love how the 500 character word limit here really allows one to run with a subordinate clause.

I have a stomach ache, although given that it was our office Christmas party last night and the rest of the team are actually experiencing some sort of paralysis, I feel rather blessed.

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Remember when was a thing? Maybe it should be a thing again now?

Do people do a follow Friday thing here? Would be helpful for those of us however recently joined.

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One of our new folks' has a new movie out, I see Stephen Fry is credited as a writer. I know a lot of us love Stephen, so we should definitely watch this.


Ok, so a bunch of us came over last night with @RufusHound. Was that a concerted effort on the part of ya’ll? Is there a black ops team out there scouting the bird site for easy pickings? Who do we go after next?

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@jedijester Thanks for bringing the success of this site to the forefront. While numbers don't always equate with success, in this instance it does.

Time to once again give thanks to @th3j35t3r. So happy you and those responsible are witnessing the fruits of your labor firsthand. The blood, sweat, and tears that was shed by all responsible is not going un-noticed. I, for one, enjoy the close interaction among fellow Tooters and your 'take no BS' policies! A wonderful site to partake in.

Before I get too ranty, let me post a photo (cause this is what I do when I’m not making movies):

So far here, the quantity and quality of interactions have far exceeded expectations. Which is to say, you’re lovely bunch.

So, I’ve been on here for about five hours, am I now allowed to send my first Toot suggesting you all go and watch me film The Hippopotamus? It’s on Netflix, Amazon and iTunes. Very funny, quite rude, unbelievably British.

I didn’t even follow @RufusHound on twitter, and I’m still on here because of him...

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