The people who are putting out a "not all Nazi soldiers were bad" movie in 2018 need to read the gd room.

I'm sure this joke has already been done (the tweet is almost 30 minutes old now), but is POTUS finally going on a diet by "cutting back on Turkey"? πŸ˜‚

As a writer, my inner editor made me mark this up. But the original had to be parody, right?

With these Camp David and where's Melania theories, I'm so tempted to drive by kid-45's school tomorrow morning to see if SS drops him off. That would be kosher, right? πŸ˜‚

The trending news about FB removing its Trending News section is currently in the Trending News section, while FB also put a disclaimer that it is removing its Trending News section into its current Trending news section. Peak 2018, y'all.

I finished writing another book today (insert kermit flail here), but now I'm wondering if I should just jump into the next one or risk taking a break ...

Ok, this is disturbing af ... I created a new Twitter account for an organization in my newest book, since I mention the handle in the story. Twitter then sends me this email, suggesting I follow Sportscenter, 45, and DJT. Are they effing kidding me? They're actively promoting that trainwreck? (Rhetorical. Of course they are. Follow the $$$.) JFC.

45 would un-kill Bin Laden if he could just to undo even more of 44's legacy, wouldn't he? πŸ™ƒ

So who had Iran in the "next place we're going to bomb" pool?

So SHS is Maggie Haberdashery's WH source, right? Right?!

Did you know you can get 50 lbs of wild bird food at the feed store for under 20 bucks? 🐦

In other news, my garden is now the most popular with birds in the neighborhood! 😜

Is North Korea trolling us? I feel like NK is trolling us.

When you're feeling bad about yourself, just Google Pinterest fails.

@th3j35t3r Your thoughts on ? It looks shady to me, and I'd like to have a reason to warn my friends against it.

I'm surprised the Coso scanner isn't on the Texas City explosion yet.

Almost 71 years to the day to an explosion in the same place that killed over 500.

Good morning, !

I've been waiting since October to make this public, but I wrote a silly pirate adventure four years ago and today it has been released as an audiobook!

It's available through all regular audiobook retailers and subscription services, and you may be able to get a FREE copy here:

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R.S. Kovach

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.