Oy fucking vey--why do I go on nextdoor? Why do I do that to myself?
@rpardee did you wash your hands after?
@Susandoyle I would love to wash my spirit
@rpardee Nextdoor is social media but you get to learn the insane clowns are nearby your house. No thanks.
@rpardee Well… evidently I’m miserable. I’m not really, but this bastard is.
@sfleetucker zut alors man
@rpardee @sfleetucker A Canadian called me "Grandpa" for saying "zut alors" 😂 as if I thought my 9th-grade French textbook would teach me the REAL curses. It's basically "Dad burnit!" 😂
@Ellico2020bis @rpardee Merde. Sacré bleu.
@rpardee When I got on social media, with the exception perhaps, of this place, it makes me think of all the times I made fun of those devout people that wore the hair shirts and hit themselves as an act of devotion.
If suffering brings us closer to heaven, reading what the neighbors think on Nextdoor should work like an express rocket.