Find myself impatient with parents who continue to vent about learning loss after schools shut down in the pandemic. Learning loss is a better fate than your teachers, parents, grandparents, siblings, etc., dying because you gave them COVID.
If schools stayed open, kids who got infected & survived just fine (never mind kids who died) would have endangered adults around them. School closings saved parent & teacher lives. And yes, kid lives.
Same. My Algebra II teacher said that he and some other teachers were attempting to change the system but weren't getting very far because their ideas were considered radical back then. There have been some changes made quietly in a movement which began informally then spread.
@Jeber @Indefinite_Article
John Taylor Gatto, former NYC Teacher of the Year and author wrote several books, including:
Dumbing Us Down - The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling
Book by John Taylor Gatto
The Underground History of American Education
Book by John Taylor Gatto