FBI, DHS warn of retaliatory attacks from extremists after assassination attempt on Trump https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/16/trump-assassination-attempt-fbi-dhs-warning/74417736007/
If the attempt was done by an accelerationist, as I believe (on the exceedingly thin evidence of his t shirt), a spiral of violence was the desired outcome.
The last two decades I've spent a lot of time hoping I'm wrong
@reportbywilson Retaliatory my ass. The extremists, as their called, are little better than a pack of rage-plague zombies, the only difference being the requirement of a pretext - however flimsy - for feral violence. They should drink spiked Flavor Aid.
Like more Republicans shooting Republicans? I would say take Matt Gaetz's guns away asap. Kevvie McCarthy is probably not safe.