renie boosted
renie boosted


Isn’t it interesting to notice how many people say they are relieved to be away from toxicity? That they have craved authenticity and basic good manners?

Isn’t it lovely to have a place that prioritizes these qualities?

It’s a fragile ecosystem though—everybody has a role keeping it healthy and clear.

Many thanks to the new folks who see this and have already tried to contribute and preserve this unique place.

Glad to have you here.


renie boosted

@reniemaclennan Absolutely. Reading in our house is one of the "untouchable" privileges. You can read about ANYTHING you want. There may be a discussion about it (before, and/or after), but scratch that amazing itch when it comes to knowledge. 😀

Excited for the new (to me) books
The New Jim Crow
The Reason You Walk
Entangled Life

Please share your must-read recommendations!

renie boosted

Dear New People,
Welcome 🦋 please share this 🌻
You’ve stepped into a place that is not Twitter. We’re a Community that has spent years getting to know each other.
Our culture is one of respect, kindness & care.
We disagree, have great, sometimes heated discussion & hold those values.
There is ZERO tolerance for hate speech, racism, Anti-Semitism or bigotry against our friends. You will be escorted out.
We also don’t appreciate BS rumors regarding @th3j35t3r

renie boosted

Hey friends, pick up your Ontario Health Coalition lawn sign here:
: Fri May 6, 4:30-6:30
Town Square (Lakeshore & George)

: Sat May 14, 2-4pm
Spencer Smith Park (Lakeshore & Brant)

: Sat May 28, 11am- 1pm
Milton Farmers Market (Main & Brown)

renie boosted

Hello Tweep spillover world. Let's give this little tool a try.

hmmmm gateway timeout on trying to edit my profile. guess will try later
SUPER impressed with the network sentiment and CW features

New here! Thanking @dfisman for the recommendation! Now need to find awesome, reliable medical and education professionals to follow!


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.