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Released by my publisher today!

‘Strawberry Rose and the Summer of Lights’ is the long awaited sequel to my children’s chapter book ‘Strawberry Rose.’ 🍓🌹

Thank you CoSo for being there with me on this journey. You have been supportive from the very beginning. 💖

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The presentation on our historic apple orchard is now available.

The narrator is the orchard manager/our eldest son. 🍎😎🍏

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Welcome new arrivals!

Get settled, pull up a chair by the fire, and join in any conversation that catches your interest.
It is ok to chime in, really.

Oh, and you are part of this community now so bring in a few sticks of wood when the fire gets low. 😎

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The list of classic and most used hashtags can now be found in our awesome CoSo user guide.

I’m gone from home for a few hours this morning and return to see hubby has released another song. He doesn’t even say anything.
No wonder he didn’t sweep off the porch. Lol.

Beautiful drive to (last) dance class today. Took the back way crossing a second mountain.
The highway just crosses one.

The last line dance class this morning.
This eight week series has been very good. 😎

DIL was taking a walk in the woods pushing the 2yo in a stroller. They came upon a big bald eagle perched on a post quite close.

She asked her daughter, “Do you see that big bird?

2yo: You mean the eagle?

Kids are way too smart too early these days.

The fruit trees are starting to blossom and the mason bees have been released!

Had to go to town for a second time today. This latest was to pick up a package of bees at the post office. Yep that’s a thing. 😎

One of the people at last weekend’s party has already stopped by my mom’s retirement home to see her and chat some more.
I told you she was a hit. Lol.

Spent most of the day doing errands. Struck out in finding one thing but scored in finding a lot of places to check. 😎

Good company!
Sonny doesn’t get a notice anymore of a song of his being played—just finds out randomly like when someone posts a screenshot.
Nice surprises. 😎


Did some sewing his afternoon. “Fun with neoprene.”

Getting more comfortable with my super heavy duty machine.

My 89yo mom is super busy but is starting a new hobby next week:


She has an instructor and everything. Has never done it but always wanted to.

Not surprised. 😎

Taking Mom back to her retirement home early this morning because she has a packed schedule all day.

She was a big hit at the party—no one can believe she is 89. She loves to hear that too. Lol. 😎

A two hour round trip but the scenery on the back roads is beautiful.

Good party. @daniel —I hope we weren’t too loud, neighbour.

Last day of ‘summer preview’ weather in the 70’s, then back to chilly spring temps tomorrow.

Nice that people will be able to hang out outside this afternoon for the party.

My sons do know they never have to pick up if I call. Unless I phone twice in a row—then they know it is an emergency. I’ve rarely, or ever, had to use that. 🤞

Loving all the CoSo flower pics. Thanks for posting!

We have nothing blooming yet but the trees and bushes are just starting to bud out.

We are about a month behind most places.

Wow. Actually got thru on the phone to all three sons for a quick check in call. That hardly ever happens—pretty much a text only family. Lol.

Looks like today and tomorrow will be sunny with highs in the 70’s F.

It will be nice for our guests.


The outside decks and porches are as clean as they can be without power washing. And not doing that, or washing windows, until after the May/June pollen drop.
The outside furniture is set out too.

Take that winter!

Party ready. Picking up Mom tomorrow for a couple of days so she can hold court. Lol. 😎

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