ok, so I'm browsing job openings on LinkedIn. I select a filter "entry level". almost every position lists ~5 years of previous experience as requirement. so what is this - a failure of a filter or the stupidity of the recruiters/companies?
well, for the positions I was checking out they won't - cause I don't have experience and therefore they won't take me. whatever. it's their loss. for every job I had - I had fundamentals and zero experience, yet I was the top performer every time.
@rakshy It's the companies stupidity. Been happening for decades because I went through it when I went job hunting after graduating from high school . It's ridiculous. How does one get exoerience when it's their FIRST JOB? Perhaps next time a reruiter says that to you, you should answer, "#TRAITORTRUMP had no JOB EXPERIENCE either and look what he did while in office? Imagine what I can/will do for YOUR company." Mess with THEIR heads!
@rakshy It is greed. They don't want to spend too much on training you.