Omg. What a day. I'm exhausted and tired.😭
This afternoon, I was helping put up rock wall for a small flower garden. I enjoy the work but he doesn't speak much of any English and his wife usually does all the translating and direction, but she had a family thing to do and ran off.
So me and this guy are trying to communicate like exaggerating mimes to figure out what I needed to do.
If you had saw two of us you'd think we were two raving lunatics in a field arguing with rocks. 😂
@kbresist No, but I do really like the waving lunatic method.
@quinnsentialOne 😂😂😂 I haven’t tried that before. I’m going to save it for someone special!
@quinnsentialOne Did you try the old standby for speaking to someone who doesn’t speak your language? Talk slower and louder. 😁