I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.
@Mauve_matelot quite a few, actually. I'm autistic 😁
@postal_poet @Mauve_matelot There's been a couple of times I've autism-spectrummed my way so hard through a crossword puzzle that I filled in the entire thing, and every single word I picked was not the one from the official answers, but they all answered the clue and all fit into the matrix of other answers.
It made me feel special, though! : )
@AskTheDevil @postal_poet ah that helps quailfy and quantify your situation, we have a growing number of #neurodiversity cosonauts here.
@Mauve_matelot @postal_poet Evyone is part of neurodiversity!
Some of us just party weirder!
@postal_poet How many general knowledge crosswords or quizzes have you known the answers to?