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Hello! I followed a Jester link to get here, then provided an email address and password, so I'm pretty sure he owns my computer now.

Reminder: This is now a defunct account. Please follow @kel for your irregularly scheduled inanity.

Yes, you just got a follow request from @kel. I'll be spouting my nonsense from there from now on.

I'm sure the inanity will be the same. Apologies in advance.

Tests complete. Results: if you want your hashtags to be useful on posts that you’ve hidden content on, be sure to include the hashtag in the hidden text portion of the post — not the content warning text.

Does tapping on a hashtag work for you guys? On mobile it pulls a blank page. —>

Random Protip: It is *always* safer to assume that GMTA stands for “great minds think alike,” instead of “give me that ass.”

In personal news, I’m getting a rare weekend alone starting in 24 hours. No kids. No wife. Just me and my own devices for roughly 2.5 days.

I’m pretty boring though, so don’t expect much in the way of shenanigans. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There’s a related tirade on the benefits of having no shame (most humans do the same things), but I’ll spare you guys that one for now. =)

The moral: Setting your posts public and living without fear of what the internet might do to you is the best way to have the most fun online, imho.

We’re just barely getting to a place where end-to-end encryption is a thing, but even that is outmatched eventually. Keeping things private online is a losing battle, so your best bet is to assume that if you put it online (anywhere), it is no longer private. That applies to social media, but also to backups, chat, emails, even SMS/text. If you’re putting it on an internet connected device, it’s out there. That’s how it works.

TLDR: Behave yourself, and you shouldn’t have a problem. 2/2

On Post Privacy:

I feel like I should clarify my opinion on this since it has nothing to do with with this platform.

I grew up online, from BBS at 600 baud to today and everything in between. Over that time, I’ve seen lives destroyed by stupidity. That stupidity essentially boils down to a frequent, common misunderstanding about what the internet is and how it works.

There is no such thing as privacy online. Unless you take serious precautions, there is no such thing as anonymity either. /1

They’re going to make lists.
They’re going to claim some (all?) of us are “deza”.
They’re going to deem CS malware.
They’ll fabricate accounts of people getting infected by us.
They’ll probably dox us.
They’re going to make claims about people here, and those claims are going to be bullshit.

I would greatly prefer if we did none of these things. They’re trying to confuse the conversation. We help them if we play along. Unless a specific situation demands response, I vote for the high road. 3/3

There’s a RWNJ contingent of the Scooby Gang that is driving much of the narrative. They vilify resistance OG’s as Russian agents (or something). They will slap a red label on your forehead at the slightest mote of disagreement or inquiry into what they’re claiming. Why? Because projection is what modern RWNJ’s do. How many times did Trump declare that Hillary was guilty for what he’s getting away with now? He’s a master of the art of projection. It helps him by confusing the conversation. /2

On Scooby Gang Shenanigans:

We should take a moment to think about why we’re here. For me, it’s to have a constructive conversation. That isn’t possible on other social media sites because there’s no way of knowing where the person you’re debating is in the world, or what their motives might be. Scooby Gang is using this to their advantage to farm social media engagement. They know how to amass likes. It’s formulaic. That’s not why I’m here.

I’m also not here for the drama of a clique-war. /1

1. I don’t even know why I check the birdshitter anymore. It’s consistently awful.

2. Note to future self: Do not drink whiskey with wine. You will not appreciate the day after. 🤢

Tomorrow, or day after, since tomorrow is travel, mired in the stuff my better half (wife) is interested in doing tomorrow (yep), I will probably feel self conscious about my contributions this evening, but alas, they shant be deleted. Because my merriment in whiskey and wine is posterity incarnate, and the impressions we make are legit forever.

We can’t undo our crazy. We can only accept it. I post that as an apology, for the most part. We’re both stuck with me. (Sorry.)

Disclaimer: My connection is shit. Because I’m in Baring, WA. Google it. It’s out there. I’ve also killed a quantity of whiskey and two bottles of wine. Why? Because I could. I won’t delve on the legality of other things in Washington state, because I am not interested in making you wholly jealous, and that’s all I have to say about that.

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Original Kel🇺🇸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.