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A little to myself, as I have never done it.

I love , (knitting), Irish Whiskey and gaming. I am a Democratic Socialist politically and an INFJ), and living with a Q mom and sister. I post about my kiddos a lot, because I love the heck out of them - so deal with it. I have Bipolar II and DWS, which may be leading to a slew of other issues. I'm interesting but an INTROVERT, if you care. If you don't hate women and love cats we are friends. ❤️

Some filet crochet action. Making my mom a beach-themed scarf. Looking pretty good.

I haven't been around much as I've been overwhelmed with life lately.

Made this though.

A weekend getaway messed up by weather. We still managed to make it out of town and get to our hotel and enjoy some hot springs for 1 day out of 3. Heading home tomorrow to hopefully miss the bad storm.

They need to stop moving Boebert around. I don't want her in my district!!!

38 years around the sun today. It hasn't been a bad day so far, and Shenanigans planned for later.

I got new hooks! I had been waiting for over a year to get these, and I got them on sale after they restocked!

I'm in love! I have a set of the wooden streamline, so I know I loved the shape.

My 9yo started playing the trumpet this year, and they are gearing up for a concert in Jan or Feb, and he's so scared. He was put on the spot for a solo at school, which he played perfectly. I asked if he feels better about the concert, he tells me no.

I want to hear him play!!!!

When you're told you have a severe Vit D deficiency, you do reading about it, and things start clicking into place.

Time to get the numbers

Finished this project except the ends need to be dealt with. Since I was writing up the basic attorney as I went along, this took so much longer than anticipated.

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