Been gone a while.

But I hit 10,000 words in my current story today! Haven't gotten that far in ANYTHING in about two years.

Kind of figures that it would be a ridiculous Star Trek fanfiction, though. 😂

Took a break from packing for school to do a Daft Punk arrangement. Turned out pretty well!

My grandma is the best. She made me a genderqueer flag blanket!

This is Maisy. She's our neighbor. Sometimes she wanders off while her people are at work, so I end up dog-sitting.

Happy Halloween!

Mabel and I dressed up as Captain Proton and Buster Kincaid today. Defenders of Earth! Scourges of intergalactic evil! Napping buddies!

(The annotations in my Kindle are pretty fun though. It's a lot of me snarking and screaming my head off about obscure fandom things.)

Help, I started scrolling through "Prelude to Foundation" again and now I'm having too many feelings.

Now playing: "The Great Die Off" by Rise Against [explicit lyrics]

(My partner sent me this album as a surprise! Now I'm only missing two albums!)

Since is coming up...

If anyone's planning on doing NaNo this year and needs a writing buddy, let me know! I can't do NaNo proper, since I'm starting school and won't have time, but I'll be around to do writing sprints and such!

Two pages on my current sci-fi story! This puts me at about 4500 words right now, which I think is a good place to stop for the day. 😅

Holy crow, I actually finished my housework today. In your face, depression!

Now to reward myself with coffee and write some sci-fi. 🚀

Some of today's writing music: "Sputnik" by Public Service Broadcasting

(and the rest of "The Race For Space"!)

Me: "heck yeah look at me taking my meds and keeping my life together!!!!"

Also me: *gets water down my windpipe and tries to fix it with more water*

Thing I've noticed: I can create and interact with posts via Tusky, but I can't edit my profile unless I'm in a browser.


Mabel is sad, because I'm taking too long to cuddle and watch Star Trek with her. This is another article about what a S#!tshow my state has become. Besides having the largest for profit charter schools, the for profit prisons, being entirely within the no constitution zone. A huge portion of our population with no access to clean drinking water, the newest offense is our police putting unlicensed, untrained, civilians in police uniforms and letting them patrol. I could tell you so many horror stories. Vigilantes.. felons preying on communities.

Mabel decided to sit at the table with me yesterday morning. We had fun camping this weekend, but I think we're both ready to go home!

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klaatu, but trans

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