Augh, when you have so many things to do and you can't get your brain engaged to start any of them because each thing feels like it'll keep you from getting the more important things done, but they're all important.

pablowapsi boosted

2019: A new year to practice patience, exhibit kindness, relay compassion, and strengthen worthy friendships.

However, 2019 is also the year to build self-confidence, emphasize self-care, and no longer put up with bull shit fuckery FOR the sake, and most especially AT the sake, of being patient or kind or compassionate.

pablowapsi boosted

Is it any wonder why so many of us feel at HOME here? Thank you for this safe place, @th3j35t3r . You are fully appreciated, more than I think you realize.

Selene and Hellen Back When They Were College Roomies Original artwork now up on Ebay! =D

Want to feel smart? I'm still trying to figure out the difference from the Home column and the Local timeline. *feels stupid*

Still trying to get the hang of the new-to-me layout after being conditioned by other page's layouts. Anyway, I wanted to add my nerd story to the hashtag Please check it out if you get the chance. ^_^

Also located here for easier archive binges


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