May is #MentalHealthAwarenes Month. Week 1: May 1-4 (Older Adults)
This week we highlight how to support the unique mental health needs of older adults.
Age joyfully! Consider your passions and interests and pursue something that brings you happiness and fulfillment. Remember that mental health support is available to you if you need it.
#MentalHealthAwarenessMonth is a great time to raise awareness of the importance of mental health in children and teens.
Keep an eye out for any social or behavioral changes in your children. You can learn more about the signs at:
Mes de la Salud Mental: Semana 2: Salud Mental Infantil y Adolescente
Las conversaciones en persona promueven un desarrollo mental saludable. Este Mes de #ConcientizaciónSobreLaSaludMental, habla con tus hijos y adolescentes sobre la salud mental. ¿Necesitas ayuda para comenzar?