do you remember your dreams?

Heads up to anyone looking to help India right now, my Indian colleague told me to be wary of donating to government organizations, as those funds will likely go to political rallies, and recommends Khalsa Aid instead.

What are some of your favorite healthy recipes? Trying to be more health conscious this year going back out of quarantine lol.

How is the right using Hunter Biden's photos as proof I shouldn't like him when he just seems like a relatable, depressed Chad.

Agreed!! Open source is a beautiful thing. I'm also with you, they ain't making me piss in bottles for that shit, I'll stick to planet earth even if if the pollution sucks haha.

@amarand I'm terrible at staying in the loop but I finally got back on animal crossing and look who I got on my island! tell the wifey lol!

Started listening to the Security Shit Show at work and realized what imposter syndrome was and that I've been suffering from it for over a year. 😭

Clearview AI's controversial facial recognition tool has been used by thousands of people at agencies across the country to search millions of Americans' faces, everyone from protesters to friends and family (often with little oversight)

Prisoners in a St. Louis jail holding a large sign with the words "Help Us" through a broken window in the night.

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