Was rereading Lovecraft's complete works the other night, and am astonished I'd never caught this before (and now feel inestimably stupid).
"Get the hell out of here ya mug" 😂
It's so blatantly obvious, I feel like a fool for not having seen it before. Now, almost feeling inclined to RE-re-read CoC et al in search of other such things.
@netspionage It reminds me of one time one of my adult children called from a very intense school in tears in the middle of the night. As a grown ass man. There was a lot of stress going on, I thought someone died. Nope, he was sobbing I just realized all of the beautiful language from the aliens in the Dune books is just Arabic. Really really badly crappily translated Arabic. My childhood is ruined. It was awful. He was so sad....
I think Herbert may be forgiven the sin of not wanting to go Full-On-Tolkien/Burgess & create new languages (which is a *tremendous* amount of work, even for a linguist: how much more so for us mere mortals, eh?) considering the utter brilliance of his works in general.
I admit I'm biased as I'm a Raging Fanboy™ when it comes to Frank Herbert; he was a conceptual genius & all-around amazing writer.
@netspionage which story is that from ?
The Hoard of the Wizard-Beast (which I just found online! That screen cap is off the Kindle App, as I have it on my Paperwhite).
@netspionage thank you. I’ll have a look in my complete lovecraft
If you encounter any other reversal/anagram gems like that, LMK - I'll be looking for more myself, now.
I honestly don't recall ever reading anything wherein HPL divulged doing stuff as I found above, though this could be due to a deficiency in my knowledge.
@netspionage That's beautiful.