Hey . Sorry, I was weak and I went back to the birdie site ... but it was just to stay on top of the most up-to-date news, I swear. I didn't even post, just liked and commented a bit. Will you take me back, please?

nbourre boosted

I am not politically savvy when it comes to international events. But I read and try to learn. Can somebody please explain to me why so many Ukrainians are fleeing to Russia? I would understand a small percentage, but according to Statista, it's the #2 nearby spot. statista.com/chart/26960/numbe

I think a story needs to be written about this guy. What should be his name?

Where are the active communities ? Instagram ? Pinterest ?

Back to work tomorrow. I am a freelance medical writer and translator. Grateful for a booming business. Had my best year in 15 years as a solopreneur in 2022. But I cannot go at that pace forever. This year, I need to start saying no, no matter how interesting the project seems. Not an easy thing to do when you are an entrepreneur. We are trained to take on as much as possible just in case quieter times are ahead. But this year, I resolve to gift myself work-life balance.

A special treat on New Year’s Day
A chance to play the board games my kids like to play
A special bonding time, creating memories that will stay
Filled with laughter and joy, a fun-filled day.

I'm the only one wearing a mask.
It really makes me ponder.
What internal logic others lack.
And how many lives will they squander?
For being so careless during an airborne pandemic.

I am grateful to see more people wearing masks these days, but we're still only talking about a small minority.

Stay safe during your new year's celebrations. Wear a mask. Open as many windows as you can.

# of COVID hosp admissions in Ontario, 2021 to 2022. Nov and Dec 2022 are way higher than Nov and Dec 2021

nbourre boosted

I miss the days when I would play a New Year's eve countdown video at 9 pm and everybody felt satisfied even though it was early.

The kiddies are excited... they have the green light to stay up until midnight to ring in the new year. I am probably the only one in our house who will have a hard time staying up so late, lol.

So long 2022, you brought my family so much pain.
I want to forget all about you and never see you again.
COVID, Ukraine, my brother's lost battle,
That was all too much for one person to handle.
I say goodbye to 2022 with relief.
The year was fraught with trouble and grief.
My heart is full of hope for the arrival of a new year.
Welcome 2023, I am relieved that you're almost here.
A chance to start again with a fresh new slate.
A renewed opportunity to make life great.

A small pleasure on a snowy day: wear dark mitts and observe the snowflakes that fall on it. You can see the shapes so well.

I wish I could bring these inside to look at them under the microscope. There must be a way.

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