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Hi everyone! I just flew the coop at the other place and am getting warmed up here.

I am a middle-aged cis female and I will not tolerate ad hominem attacks.

I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome () almost six years ago so I understand the toll that disability caused by and can take on your life.

I believe in taxing billionaires fairly and creating a better social safety net for all. Progressive to the core.

There is a physiological reason women are more prone to autoimmune conditions.

We just don’t know why yet.

Given the sheer number of those affected, why aren’t we researching the hell out of it?

Too busy gaslighting patients and accusing them of being anxious.

Just. Do. It.

A flight attendant friend is on third round of Covid. She gleefully unmasked last year because public health said that was ok. She’s young and healthy but is having trouble getting out of bed a week later.

Some idiot on the bird site lost their sh1t because I have pronouns in my profile and then accused me of unwarranted liberal outrage over nothing. It’s getting funnier by the day over there. Kind of enjoying goading them into fits with innocuous statements. (sips coffee)

If anyone is a Terry fan, his newly released biography is well worth the read. It funny, sad, informative, and written with love and compassion. Highly recommend.

Reason # 10,001 not to engage on the bird site. We were discussing (rather politely for a change) the pagan roots of .

How do you respond to someone who thinks the sun revolves around the earth???

Whole new level of wilful ignorance.

Thinking I had better get the biscuits baked this morning in case we gave a power outage later.

all you renegade eccentrics!

Rising above isn't always about pushing through pain,exceeding upper limits can lead to damage. It's about being honest,it's about understanding the nuance of where you're at and working with that place without judgement.

Patience pays.

No run today. I had a goal to get back to six day weeks, but my body isn't there yet.

I'm still focusing on my nutrition, taking care of things, so I can get back to it next week.

With diligence I will get there.

Got a small crate of clementines yesterday and have been gorging myself ever since. One of my favourite treats.

Life in Alberta this week (a text from my sister).

β€œI got free flowers at work, not sellable but still o.k.First day,forgot them.Second day forgot them.Third day,they're still looking good so I bring them home.They froze on my walk”

Covid is serious. It’s killing T cells and making everyone more vulnerable to other infections, including your children.

Stop listening to the β€œlet it rip” people. The minute you get it, you become more vulnerable to EVERYTHING.

Protect yourself. Protect your kids.

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Krista R (she/her) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆβœπŸ»

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