I finally found a good recipe for homemade vanilla wafers- been trying for a while. Dangerous, though, as banana pudding and a trifle with fresh strawberries immediately followed. Mmmmmm.

Also, where we'll be in NS is only one growing zone different than where we are in Georgia. Tempered by ocean, makes a big difference.

Great unintended consequence of having lots of cats for a long time:
We have tons of the boxes that litter comes in. Good size, not too big, really strong, with handles. Half of our household is going to be packed in litter boxes...

I find it astounding that way out in the freakin boonies in Nova Scotia we can get fiber gigabit internet.

Not the least of the fun things is driving 2 dogs and 4 cats on a 30 hour trip. 2 of the cats yowl for the 15 minute trip to the vet.
Headphones, and lots of tunes.. in addition to some mild sedatives for the kitties. Dogs do fine- they're good no matter what we do.

Currently dealing with the logistics of picking up a household of 20 years and two people with way too many hobbies, and carting it all to another country. I have lists of lists of things to do...

Wow. Long time no posting...

Just not much news.

Until now:

Canada bound. 🇨🇦

(From watching C-Span, amongst the horrendous crap going on...)

You can tell when people almost never wear a mask, because when they do, they can't manage to figure out how to keep the damn thing on properly and are constantly fucking with it.

Once we can go out to bars again, Stacey Abrams should never have to buy a drink for the rest of her life.

Obnoxious time to live in GA, let me tell you, too. Don't get television, but so much crap in the mail, and went to Youtube on the one computer I don't have an adblocker running on, and holy shit! Beyond saturation.

I always feel for people having to try and debunk the more insane conspiracy theories- I mean, what the hell do you say?

Made browned butter pecan ice cream yesterday.
While it was churning, I was cooking some bacon.
Had a bite of bacon in my mouth, and looked over at the ice cream, and... well, turns out it's one hell of a combination.
Next up is browned butter and bacon ice cream.

Our dogs understand our language (and the cats', for that matter) way better than we understand theirs, but I do know this:
Quick breath, eyebrows up, and exagerrated side-eye is universal "wanna play?" in dog language,
just like getting down and slapping the floor in front of you.

Imagine a debate between any of the potential Dem VP choices and Pence.
🙄 😂

I'm blowing through Glysomed washing my hands so often! It's the only thing that keeps them from being totally dried out.

RIP Jasmine.


Gonna take us a long time to get over this one. We were so lucky.

If you want to see more of what she was like, there are pics/stories in my timeline. Just scroll back.


Day 4 of my wife being out of town. With 2 dogs and 5 cats, I'm like the Pied Piper. If I'm even still for a moment, I have cats on me. Trying to sleep w/ one above my head, one on my throat, one on my chest, and one pushing it's head under my hand.
I swear, I need this many arms-


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