My menu is gone. Anyone know how to get it back? I have two columns and a black space with a down arrow that doesn't seem to do anything. Is there a setting or something?

I have three columns showing - Notifications, My friends and My friends. How do I get back to a newsfeed?

I used to live for the weekends. Now I dread them and anxiously wait for Mondays (for indictments).

She was up all night again, so she's been sleeping all day, giving me a chance to shout out on CoSo. A reprive of sorts. Repreve? Can't spell.

If a dream can startle you awake, why can't a waking moment startle you back to sleep?

I have no problem letting her take her time and make her own decisions. The problem is her seeming disgust for all of us. Her total lack of awareness and disrespect is really getting the best of me.

The problem with the mental health community is that I can't get services for her. She has to want them. Most mentally ill in serious need, either don't want it or don't think they need it. Sigh

You know, I think she would greatly benefit from inpatient services, but she's too paranoid to go.

I've finally got her to go to a free clinic and she doesn't have any paperwork to id herself. They won't take her till then. Of course, she has no insurance.

It's exhausting. I can't seem to do or say anything right. No one in the house feels like they can live normally when she's around.

She terrorizes the house with her defensiveness at any perceived "attack". Is secretive and plays victim to even the tiniest slight.

Keeping it honest, she is my daughter and this was her THIRD abusive relationship. I rescued her all three times.

I am trying to support a person who I rescued from a domestic abuse situation. I am lost now after 10 weeks because she still treats everything as an attack. I'm losing my patience.

HA! I remembered something! Went to my profile and then back here and voila! Federated disappeared. :)

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