How come amaroq app doesn’t work anymore?

Alright! Who fat-fingered the config at CenturyLink?

Weird issue. I can log in through a browser, but when I try to use the Amaroq app I get a second auth screen that says I’m a pro user, I am not, and get asked to log into my portal which obviously fails. Not sure what’s up.

In case you thought there was no way to dislike a person any more, I present...

I think that he thinks it’s ACTUALLY 1950...

Just like Reagan, Clinton, both Bush’s and Obama. The point is the U.S. is Saudi Arabia’s “bitch” and they fucking know it. We all fucking know it. The only people that don’t seem to know are the ad-hom-snipers in the press. NO ONE IS GOING TO STAND UP TO THE SAUDI’S. No. One.

People need to leave behind a 'build it, use it, demolish it' perspective and replace it with a 'plan it, design it, build it, use it, deconstruct it, and reuse the materials' view. Builders must imagine at the beginning of a structures life what will happen at the end of it.

I know everyone here is super invested in US politics and blue waves etc. Has anyone considered that maybe it’s an outmoded idea that simply doesn’t apply anymore and that’s why we’re all so disappointed all the time? I mean representatives? Really? Because what? We still communicate at the speed of horse?

I rarely agree with why you’re sent.
I’ll never understand why you go.
I wish you ALL came back.
Thank You!

“Before he is ousted, Sessions limits U.S. oversight of local police”

Fuck you, Sessions. You hickory stump-sittin motherfucker.

One of the best drummers, but don’t tell Sun that’s why we’re watching.

Shit...I got time.

Drop this one time f’ya mamma.

Are you down with it - Handsome Boy Modeling School

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moot0ne ✅

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