McCarthy probably threatened to take concessions from Democrats.

The Freedom Caucus agenda is to reject all Joe Biden/Democrat Party legislation. That sounds anti-American. I'd like to personally thank the voters for putting in and putting back these idiots.

Argentina needed to win this game 3 times. The FIFA futbol rules are awful, but I'm happy for Messi.

Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.

Sometimes it feels like there are a total of 20 people on CoSo but they are 20 of the nicest people you'd want to meet. If I baked cookies, you would all get some.

The goalie is going to commit to a side. Wait for it to happen and then kick the ball (like Messi).

Kyrsten Sinema is a coward and a dummy. This move gets her voted out. She should have gone full Republican if she wanted to hang around so in a way I'm glad she did what she did.

As an American independent I don't celebrate Republican or Democrat party victories. I celebrate what I believe is good for America and humankind overall. Party-only support mentality is stifling and ultimately crippling. What is good? This day is good. Rejoice.

I have mixed feelings about pro-level features here on . On one hand I understand that I am utilizing (for free at this time) the work of one or more developer who deserves compensation for the effort. On the other hand 's success is aided by users. Why was the bird successful and free? It had found a business model that generated income and value but not through the pockets of its users.

When there is a Musk invasion I retreat to the island of @CoSo .

Buenos dias and happy Monday to everyone!

I am liking the scrolling news headlines at the top.

The old designer in me would like to suggest to to have a dashboard widget for bug reporting and feature suggestions at least for the early days. Very happy with what I see so far, however.

I'm a big tech nerd so using and learning this platform is like candy for me. I think @countersocial did a good job from what I can tell.

Liking the little TV thingy at the bottom left.

Steven Schein

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.