Public info:

F.I.P. Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a virus found in most cats. Sadly it can mutate and be deadly very fast. The GS med is not approved for sale in the US yet. A group called FIP Warriors 5.0 are doing what the veterinarian is not allowed to do….Saving Kitties Lives 💯😻
Cosmo is stable & on day 33 of 84 treatment days.
This boy is a warrior🗡️

ATTENTION: : people

If you have a cat, know someone who does or are just curious, please search F.I.P. It is at epidemic levels and veterinarians are not familiar with the symptoms as the treatment is not FDA approved in the US.
It is a cat killer so please be aware and share with your friends who ❤️ cats.

Watched ‘A Cabin in the Woods’

Our little man Cosmo is fighting for his life😞Diagnosed with FIP a month ago, we adopted him 2/23; he was a year old, only 4 lbs and partially blind in both eyes, but it was love at first sight😍
Treatment for FIP is available, just not in the US😞
Keep this little warrior in your thoughts-I just love him🥹

My daughter was set to take a trip to DC this summer with ASU. She had to back out for for scheduling conflict😕
Her biggest disappointment is that she won’t get to visit the Spy Museum and personally lay eyes on @th3j35t3r famous “unit” and display 😉

Darcy sends her best and says😉😉
“Bottoms Up & here’s to a great New Year!”🥂

It's crazy how much peace and contentment animals provide. 🫶
Want to go hiking but fires/smoke are too dangerous (air quality ⚠️)so I'll stay inside and spoil these babies.

Found this clearing the bank-Lion's Mane 😃😃
At least 1.5 to 2lbs
Heavy & dense

Slept out on the screened porch again--very refreshing waking up to nature!

Elon & Iran Show more

🇮🇱Comment Show more

Jay boosted

@Spartan @voltronic @AkomoCombine

Most of the Arab states washed their hands of this nonsense a while ago. They have their usual harsh words for Israel, but they aren't jumping in, or letting Hamas out.

This is Iran convincing the fanatics that this time, unlike the last four times since 2007, will work.

It will not. And it's going to hurt a lot worse this time.

Jay boosted

@Reincarnation_3 I would like to hope that are still a few moderate Palestinians, but I suspect that none of them remain in Gaza and very few in the West Bank region.

There used to be a lot of moderate Arabs in the Holy Land, until the nazi Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his followers assassinated or drove them out.


🙏🏻 Israeli and US Special Forces
🇮🇱 🇺🇸

This is my favorite- first stanza, & in my other life, good for a weeks worth of class discussion 🙂
Also read the editor's note😂

I love the conflation of two seemingly different areas of academics.

Scientific American Oct 2023

Good morning all!
First thing I read is a trollbot;🤯
reported, feel better, now on to a positive productive day!🙏🏻

Theodore is the designated gatekeeper & will only allow humans to pass through the doorway after a belly rub. Our mini-schnauzer gets through with "kiss"😄otherwise Theo swats her😂

A really vague & unusual ask:😵‍💫

Anyone have an unusually crazy day with electronics not working and/or just crazy energy with people? Were there solar flares or something else "cosmic" and/or atmospheric happening?🫣

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