People that don't know me often call me a pessimist because I have a realistic worldview.
It takes a tremendous amount of delusion, denial, and purposeful ignorance to be able to survive by refusing to see the world for how it is. The amount of energy and calculated effort to ensure a constant stream of manufactured fantasy must be exhausting and terrifying when cracks start to form and you have to quickly patch them with any lies you can or else lose your mind.
I think the constant fear of illusions breaking down or truth seeping in or realizations occurring would be incredibly anxiety inducing and create such unconscious (or conscious) stress on the body, mind, and spirit. I imagine it would wear a person down and cause a lot of health problems.
Denial is difficult, contrary to popular belief. You have to really work hard to find ways of living in two worlds at once; the real world and maintaining your own personal one every minute of the day.
I recognize that millions of people do this because there are so many people trapped in rage and anger and true pessimism ... emotions and beliefs that come as a result of the collisions of hope and reality I'm always talking about.
The constant battle of trying to lie to ones self while at the same time doing everything in ones power to block out or shield themselves from truth but still having realizations leak through despite all efforts ... those constant reminders must be painful.
What I have seen in my life often with people is a deep desire to be "awake" and a willingness to challenge themselves and push themselves to be better people but when that awakening happens and the truth comes rolling in ... what they realize is that the grass isn't greener when you live in truth.
They also realize that the truth doesn't set you free, it only imprisons you in a new reality that completely obliterates the one you were hiding within before.
They realize how lonely it is.
It's lonely fighting a battle that is unwinnable ... it's lonely fighting a battle that your friends, coworkers, family don't fight themselves - and worse still - are unbelievers and delusional themselves ... it's lonely fighting a battle of seeing things how they are and not having anyone to talk with them about because everyone around you drinks the same delusional Kool Aid ... it's lonely realizing you are powerless to change 99% of every painful truth you see ...
If you have seen They Live then you know the scene where two best friends are beating each other to death because one of them refuses to see the truth ...
When people "wake up" and look around them and realize they've been living in a lie, manufactured by oppressors and they have been slaves the whole time ... there is disbelief, fear ... and then ... a profound sense of helplessness that leads to anger ... and that's where most people stay; terrified in anger.
Jealousy, guilt, shame, anxiety, anger, and depression are ALL derivatives of FEAR ... so all those raging, negative, miserable, pissed off people ... it's always about fear.
I always found that interesting ... why is the truth of the world so terrifying to people? Because they realize they are powerless? Because they feel like fools who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed and groomed into giving away most of their lives to greedy psychopaths? Because they can't change that truth?
@thewebrecluse Be the change you want to see in the world.🖤 Be IN the world, but not OF the world.