Anyone else get as excited as I do when you have a little unexpected windfall and access to a weed dispensary?

Iโ€™m literally being a grown kid in a cannabis store right now. This is my favorite type of shopping to do. I HATE shopping for anything else.


@Call_Me_Peppermint_Petty I get excited over the little things. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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@mistressticia Iโ€™m vibrating w excitement! Already placed my order and now waiting for the store to open. I want to get more of this particular strain. Itโ€™s amazing. Canโ€™t find it anywhere but this one dispensary.

@Call_Me_Peppermint_Petty Wellll,, recently I've been making popcorn in my Instapot. It's so much fun!!! But- I'd be excited about the dispensary too! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm always excited when I get my gummies.

@mistressticia would cooking popcorn in an instapot kind of mess w the space time continuum? Youโ€™re not trying to teleport to another universe are you?

@Call_Me_Peppermint_Petty I do love me some time travel/parallell universes. LOL If you have one- try it. It's fun! Reminds me of Jiffy-pop.๐Ÿ˜†

@mistressticia you can make your own jiffy pop. A large bowl, oil and kernels in bottom, tin foil cover w holes, right on the burner.

@Call_Me_Peppermint_Petty I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip. I"m trying to get the most out of my instantpot.๐Ÿ˜†

@mistressticia whatever you do, do NOT try instant coffee in it. That might be the very thing that ends up rearranging our universe. And we end up with republicans ruling it all.

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