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After months of convincing them it's a fake virus and masks aren't necessary, Trump finally throws whats left of his base under the bus.

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What say the Libertarians?

‘In Portland, they’ve done a fantastic job … No problem. They grab them, a lot of people in jail’ — Pres. Trump

praising the federal officers in unmarked cars who are violently arresting and holding people in Portland, OR, with no explanation.

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DHS Secretary Assuages Concerns About Protester Abductions By Promising This Will All Feel Routine In A Month

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Acting sec Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli tweets a picture of a supposed CBP officers leg injury, which was caused by a sling shot -

Just last week those same CBP officers shot a young man in the face with a tear gas canister, fracturing his skull and sending him to the ICU

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from @adamparkhomenko

If trump was as tough on COVID as he is on Portland graffiti, maybe there wouldn’t be almost 140,000 dead Americans.


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