According to X I’m an nword with Jedi powers mental illness who belongs in a loony bin wearing a straight jacket. Also, that not too far from now people like me will be known, and will be recognized in public for my part my polarizing and fracturing civilization. Schwitter is a perfect place to go lose yourself into blind hate and raw anger. Avoid it as much as you can.
@mcfate def dumb and blind. They completely loose their shit when I point out how they always resort to insults.
That's why I post virtually nothing over there and merely lurk. The closest I come to engagement is LIKING posts by my few remaining friends on the site. It's much safer.
@matuzalem I'm only sneak peeking to " heart care ' (basically means only checking how old friends are doing without actively poking around)
Formerly-Known-As denizens are the ones who need institutionalization.