In the last few years, we lost my Dad, my sister, my father in law, 3 close friends, and two cats. I know it's just awful luck/timing... but yeah... too much.

Our three remaining cats are all a bit out of sorts now. Mothra actually alerted me last night when Alabama was about to die, he loved her really, despite all the surprise attacks he launched on her over the years.

I could do with a grief respite. The last few years have been relentless.

I shall rename it, the cupboard of good intentions.

Made a vague attempt at sorting the cupboard under the stairs. We have a surprising array of tools and cleaning products considering how much we hate DIY and cleaning.

Re-arranging furniture for optimal radiator access now that it's getting cold.

Urghh...someone accidentally transferred 60 quid into my bank, and I didn't notice (as I was away for my birthday).

My stomach is rumbling so loudly it keeps setting off our Raspberry Pi Google Assistant.

Hopefully next year will go a bit easier on us.

I'm looking forward to getting properly into some new code an illustration projects next year. 2017 was so relentless, everything was done in a rushed panic.

Finally got the dns logins for the final few websites I need to transfer, so that's the rest of my afternoon sorted.

The best thing about a new platform is the freedom to post whatever I want without it being bizarrely misunderstood by all the relatives and in laws who inexplicably follow me on twitter.

So far this place seems friendly & interesting. Only thing I don't get is why some users repeatedly toot links to tweets, instead of just posting the content here.

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Mari Biscuits

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.