So some chick commented on my public FB page and claimed that the CDC "creates diseases to keep us scared". -_____- Naturally, I told her that she was a moron and that she was more than welcome to go catch leprosy or something else awful that's been cured with modern medicine, and she responds like "YOU MUST BE BORED TO KEEP TALKING WHEN I'M NOT RESPONDING".
She responded to point out how she's not responding.
P.S. I only replied the once.
There really is no hope anymore, is there? 😐 🔫
@DachshundSaidSo Shit, I've seen worse in real life. After a night out a few years back my friend's boyfriend was giving us a ride home, and they started arguing in the front seat. This dude managed to say "your point is mute" and "you always take me for granite" in the space of a minute, and I was like pounding on the back seat and choking trying to not laugh out loud.
@malice My room mate combines words, to make her own vocabulary items, like "slime-ery" (slippery and slimey). "The rocks feel slimery".
But she is French so I cut her slack. Plus she comes up with some good ones. I really should start writing them down.
There is a name for word combining, but I can't access that brain file, atm.
GW Bush was a master of the game.
@DachshundSaidSo Non English speakers get a pass. It's not like most of us can speak a 2nd language with any degree of fluency at all. But not being able to speak your OWN native language that's just dumb.
@malice Totally agree. Whole world is multilingual but usa. We want everyone to conform to our messed up language with rules that make no sense.
@malice I quit FB after I saw this comment on a post:
"Don't cut off your nose despite your face!"