hey how do i add the 'member since' metadate on my profile? what content string do i need?

hey friends

is there anyway i can join other mastadon servers from my coso instance?

hi frendos long time no chat. this place is about to explode i suppose?

hey champs. it's been a while. just wanted to pop in and say i hope everyone is doing ok. and that it's ok if yr not.

can't believe i missed my two year coso anniversary last november. shit that went fast!

hey champs. hope yr all doing well. ❤️

friendos i have a new boyfriend. he is 6 and his name is roger

hey friends haven't been here for a while. everybody good?

does anyone remember the 90's game called the neverhood?

ha! here in australia we are struggling for autumn.

so many newbies today/tonight. so good to see. please post photos of your pets immediately.

carrie by moaning lisa. youtube.com/watch?v=Fo_6PmLor9

this song is absolutely kicking my arse lately. some excellent aussie queer chick indie -. do yourself a favour, as molly would say

guys i'm addicted to making prawn laksa. i've had it as a meal 6 days out of the last 8.

vale stephen hawking. an intellectual colossus of our time.

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