It's worth noting that Trump didn't have a pet during his time in the WH. Should we take this to mean he doesn't like dogs or cats because of his OCD, or should we take it to mean that, just as he disregards the rights of women, that he thinks animals are less evolved and therefore don't have rights either?!?
@ArcturusSaDiablo He sounds like one of those abusive men you hear about, the ones that if a woman has a baby they get jealous because she's giving her attention, rightfully, to the child. And Allergies are really not an excuse. I have them and have had dogs and cats throughout the years. So I sneeze or my eyes itch. I take allergy meds for that, though my dog now is hypoallergenic.
@lisaannlm It's quite difficult to lie to one's pets to any useful effect.😏
@Marc_T_Benedict True. Animals are good at reading people, Trump would 😂 probably get bit.
Never trust a person who says "I don't like animals". I mean, if the reason was he was allergic, that's fine. Say so, we respect it. But no, it's because he doesn't like anything that requires him to give something in return.