My 8am pain medicine alarm went off a few minutes ago. I've been putting off getting up and taking care of it, because it means moving my $%#@! painful left knee. Guess I'd better get the hell up and deal with it before other areas start hurting. BRB

@LnzyHou No thanks, I've already had one. 😉 Seriously, I had my left knee replaced in 2020, and it's been nothing but problems since. Right now, the thing's loose as all hell, wobbling side-to-side on me. The outer side is swollen and very painful.

The original surgeon is going to go back in - for a second time - and install "shims" to tighten up the joint, among other things. (He removed scar tissue during the previous revision operation.) I hope this will solve things at last.


Sorry to hear that. I’ve had both hip & knee replacement in same leg. I was to the point of crawling to the bathroom at night. Anything is better than that pain.

My replacements from snow mobile accident in which I broke 5 bones. Gonna need shoulder replacement too but don’t have 2 yrs to give to recovery.

If I don’t walk enough the prosthetic joints ache. I either walk it off or use CBD balm which really helps.


@LnzyHou I really feel for you. That sounds terrible. I hope you're able to recover from all of this, sooner rather than later.

I wish I could augment my pain medication with CBD, but I can't here in Texas. On top of my knee pain, I'm a chronic pain patient for problems in my back, ankles, left arm, and with a torn rotator cuff. I'm on 40mg of Dilaudid a day for it, and CBD would kill my drug screen tests. Sigh.


Perhaps. Most CBD products have only traces of THC. But maybe not a good choice for you.

Allergic to all opioids, my doc wrote letter approving use of CBD products as alternative.

Recently discovered high-potency 500 mg roll-on that knocks out pain upon application. Label indicates less than 0.3% THC

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