Meeting my daughter for the first time today. Wish me luck that things go well.
@misslovelymess since conception, things with her mom have been less than amicable. She's prevented me from being involved as much as possible, but now that the courts have become involved and she spoke to lawyers, she realized she can't keep that up without a viable reason. She used this meeting today as an excuse to try to bring up our next family management conference with a judge and to see if I would be willing to not go that route.
My daughter is 4 months old and I've only just met her 😭
@lacuda Oh, I'm so sorry. That's very heartbreaking. I hope this can all get settled so you can bond with her and shower her with love. ❤️
@lacuda Omg she is amazing! 😍
@lacuda Best of luck!! Open hearts💜
@lacuda Not sure if this means you are having a baby or meeting an adopted daughter, but wishing you a happy, healthy meeting for all!