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I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

If you're outraged, then YOU are not paying attention.

Your outrage is the point. As long as you're furious, you can't do an effective job of having the conversation. You'll find lots of people who are seemingly as furious as you are, and you will all convince yourselves that inaction is action while everyone else tunes out.

That's the plan. That's why they're farming your outrage. It's both profitable and extremely effective for them.

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That anger you felt on Twitter? It was intentionally fomented by an algorithm to keep you clicking, emotionally manipulating you to sell more ads. It didn't stay there either. It seeped into your life, poisoning you and your interactions in ways you didn't realize.

There's none of that here. Give it a few days, and you'll see.

I just did a random search for 1990's nylon windbreakers and I'm guessing my ad suggestions are gonna be super retro for at least a little while.

I am super confused as to how the grass of any other social could ever be even remotely considered greener.

I'm not sure how else to put that. If someone is harshing your brand of mellow, then make them disappear.

Put another way: Leaving this place is the worst option for this place. There's nowhere like it, and that's how it fucking dies.

If you aren't making yourself a pawn of the outrage farmers, then there is no reason to walk on eggshells around here—and you should mute and block with prejudice anyone who makes you feel like you do.

Oh, I'm sorry, we're supposed to pretend we don't know it's happening. 🤫

Some bored asshat somewhere trying to figure out how easily this community is triggered by various controversial stimula.

Like some kind of perverse experiment run by losers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You ever wonder if we aren't being tested somehow?

Today I am thinking that it would be most glorious to just go back to bed. 🥱

Kel boosted

I'm pretty sure this director-level email I just received was written by and wasn't sanity-checked to make sure that it would actually make sense to the recipients.

ICYMI: We're blowing up the mentions of @SpaceSlothForever for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

^^ Also, if you should ever happen to agree—even accidentally—with actual nazis, that's probably a good time to re-evaluate your everything because WTAF.

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@kel One thing folks can do is to discover what triggers them. Then, when triggered, re-program your response. The goal is positive anger management. 👍

Again, this is hard work and takes time and patience for the subject. 😊🙏

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^^ Why is it that everyone seems to be passionately arguing about the same issue?

Because it's being weaponized as a wedge to further divide us, and there are malevolent forces—foreign and domestic—working hard to pit us all against each other.

The next time you feel angry—especially online, and especially in a sanctuary like this one—I would like to kindly ask you to ask yourself one question:

Who benefits most from your anger and the division it creates?

Then maybe spend some time thinking about those people and their goals.

We are not beyond their reach even here, and that's something very important for all of us to keep in mind.

You know, since we're flashing the little appendages.

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"Why is this night different from any other night?"

Chag Pesach sameach! ✡️

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To my friends here who celebrate--I hope tonight offers joy, as much as can be had in this wider context of threat and sorrow

🙏 💙

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