My wife doesn’t wait for coffee. I make sure there’s a fresh pot ready every morning. EVERY morning. All men should do this, it’s right there in the Bible, Hebrews.

Great Street Performances
Jacob Koopman and Allie Sherlock

The Warriors played mediocre, t best. Curry and Thompson were both in foul trouble. Greene was ejected, and we still won. Memphis can’t compete with us.

About Time.
❤️ This Movie.
Lost my Dad to cancer just after it’s release, so it hits home for me.

Thank you to all those experienced CoSo users for helping us newbies get around. People like you make this change a pleasant experience.

According to the Flat Earth Society, this is an Easter Egg.

Nala’ s Day…

Step 1.
Run up the hill.

Step 2.
Shimmy down on your back.

Step 3.

The community firehouse seems to refresh faster than I can reply, is there a way to pause it?

We’ve adopted this kitten, she was a feral, but we’ve gotten her to come in the house, she seems very happy. We love her, but she’s got really bad gas.

My wife threatened me, I can’t toot right now, apparently I haven’t finished that thing she asked me to do in 1974.

“You get that lawn mowed?”
“Not yet Dad, I’m playing this game”

…a half hour later

“Hey Dad, what happened”
“I don’t know, the power just went out”

“Well, I’m gonna mow the lawn”
“Good idea”

Damned Advertisements!

Yesterday, I went to our local paint store to get thinner. I didn’t work, I stood there all day like an idiot.

I’ve enjoyed my first day here y’all, thanks.

The great thing about Tequila is it looks like water, and water is usually acceptable at work.

I’m never buying from that guy again. This tomato plant sucks!!!

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Jack Harris

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.