The American male is having a serious identity crisis at the moment.
We really need to understand this better.
I suspect a lot of it has to do with women suddenly becoming their equals in just about everything except most professional sports.
Lots of competition - and they are threatened. For millennia men didn't have to concern themselves with that threat. The last 2 generations have had to.
And, at the core of that, is the use of Man/Women where "Human" should be used.
In the historical sense it is "sudden".
The male identity was always apart from the "female" by what they did and were expected to do. For example: The men, historically, went off to hunt and fight. The women stayed home and raised the kids.
Now this is not a relevant definition. Many men are bothered by this.
You can't propose a solution until you clearly and comprehensively define the problem.
And, I don't think the solution is to right an historical wrong.
both women and men
throughout history
have ignored defined
cultural gender roles
joan of arc for example
lived in the 1400s
for centuries
men have done more
than hunt and fight
women have done more
than stay home
and raise children
i am saying
gender has no relevance
in choice of profession
or who spends more
time raising the children
people who are good
at raising children should do so
people who are good
at math should solve the equations to get a spacecraft back from the moon
I agree.
But the American male doesn't.
That's a manifestation of the problem.
I've maintained that if you start defining a person as anything other than a person, you discount their humanity. Man or Woman is an attribute of Human, not the other way around.
yes...i prefer to engage
with people
humans as you say
each being an individual
with a unique set of qualities
my point
on cultural male behavior
is the biggest
thumb on the scale
is their training
as children
if they are given to believe
that they are better than
because of
(insert arbitrary characteristic)
they grow up
with a sense of entitlement
seeming to justify
treating other people
as lesser than
time for equality
a fair even start for all
for each to do as they will
women suddenly becoming
their equals
seems such odd phrasing
to me
hopefully women
are no longer being
trained from childhood
to defer automatically
to the male
the daughter is no longer
made to defer
to her brothers, father
to her male classmates
to her male coworkers
males got free passes
for so long they devolved
to relying on cronyism
instead of competence
with trained equality
all earn their way
amongst all people
with the best rising
to the top
that should be a good thing