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ARTEMIS ETERNAL film startup launched on the premise that Rupert Murdoch was incredibly dangerous to our democracy so you know we couldn’t make movies in that system and needed an alternative. I’ve waited since I was a student, a filmmaker, a founder, a failure for this moment—the moment when no one could deny it any longer. But it still feels like nothing is going to happen. Again.

I tried, though! I did try. ♥️
The year? 2008: the hope year.
(For the record, because the Twitter one is gone)

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Do allow me -- your #1 active scifi author on CoSo -- to entertain you tonight with a new American thought experiment ☣️ 🔥

no sanitize / do you dare?

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Hey there, I'm @jsto on Twitter and now here, too!

I'm the author behind Astral Fall, and am currently working on the second book of that series.

I'm new to this place and am getting my bearings. Having something fresh to explore feels good!

artists will know a platform is legit for them when they put a working class artist on whatever governing board they have, no matter how chill the startup is

even patreon doesn’t have this & it’s glaring, but no one does it bc at the end of the day they all want to benefit from our work for free

generative AI is the next UGC infringement version of that wealth & brand-building transfer

web2 was crushing. creators are ready for web3

respect your labor: it has value & if you don’t no one will

generative AI is a labor/working class issue

disheartening to see an official violate/don’t violate poll about your labor rights run on a platform

a thing artists dislike about mastodon is the main instance is anti-creative labor in similar ways

BUT the instance I’m on there & don’t use much bc I’m here doesn’t allow infringement of artist’s rights

creatives drive value on every platform while tech founders erode rights: ‘tis known

so if all that’s going to happen here, then I’m pausing ✊

when someone's uncool to me, I go online and send thank you messages and props to all the people who are doing nice things and creating nice things and what have you

it's true and due, and has the bonus of shifting attention to the affectionate and chill zone 🍦

ooooo there is a second OXENFREE game? loved the first one

authors need collective bargaining legislation to go through Congress

and authors need exposure to union solidarity — stark difference in who has worked hollywoodside and who has not

Can you imagine having a mothership building like SAG, the WGA and DGA have? TRY.

it’s too bad Nolan’s work isn’t more sociologically informed and inventive because I’ve never heard a whiff of anything about unprofessionalism otherwise i.e. outside of the mediocre limits of his narrative lens

there are a lot of top actors in the industry who are women and who generally don’t want to work for male directors or showrunners (and by now it’s obvious why)

if they had the choice they’d probably avoid it altogether because at minimum the mental health risk isn’t worth it

it’s not talked about openly buuuuut now you know and now that you think about it you probably could have guessed as much

Natalie Portman’s support of Greta Gerwig when Gerwig wasn’t nom’d in some places for Lady Bird was a help to her eventually helming a blockbuster (i.e. the present)

Gold standard for me though is filmmakers being funded for spec scripts not based on IP or historical figures etc. etc. i.e. original work and pretty much only a few white guy directors at most are funded to do that (not that they don’t have to fight for it but not that they deserve to be the highlanders of original culture either)

can someone redesign the X with crossed bone saws so that the changes at Twitter are fully rep’d

lol half-assed af

same level of execution as a 14yo writing fan fiction

challenging perhaps to convey how this was all before social media UGC platforms and yet the LOTR memes traveled everywhere — they were the pride and joy of the internet

and who among you did not have a gollum impression, if only a bad one?

I didn’t want to tell them about Gandalf because imagine you know nothing about LOTR and get a cool wizard up top?

talking w gen-z crew about growing up in the three-year LOTR Decembertimes

we were talking about movie memes that take over

they asked for a guide so I was all:

hobbit book good
hobbit movies bad
lotr books good
lotr movies good
rings of power show bad

Mostly I went with how good the books & original trilogy remain overtop of any notable flaws, Tolkien’s influence on how elves are portrayed in fantasy including YA and how we all lost our minds when we saw the first pix of Legolas and Arwen

Musk working on taking the letter X into swastika territory

it really makes me wonder why bother, if readers won’t hold them accountable

the most real fandom I’ve seen on this front is the HP Alliance

scifi meanwhile has had all these reactionary backlashes in recent years

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JessicaMae Stover ✘ ‏✅

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.