Been writing zine issues like a mad man lately! There’s so much True Crime/UFO stuff to talk about!!’

Boulder Creek roads took a pounding. Nearly got hit by two falling trees in Saratoga so I had to turn around and wait. Gave myself Korean BBQ as a comforter.

I'm working on an issue of The Drink Tank about Ancient Egypt, and man, it seems like everyone I know has been to the pyramids and taken masses of pictures!

It's been cold up in our mountains, so we've been using the fireplace. The cats, however, are far more fond of us using the space heater we have. So much so that they've managed to turn it on by themselves!

My book is coming from a UK publisher. They required one change about the book The Billionaire’s Vinegar. I said ‘remained on sale in county ties with less ridiculous defamation laws.’ They changed it to ‘less stringent defamation laws.’ I didn’t object. I’d always wanted to know when I’d officially sell out!

Reading up on the exploits of William T. Wiley, and man, he's one of the most fascinating humans of the 20th century!

Reading about the old Filmex Festivals of the 1970s and 80s. They used to do 24- and 48-hour marathons of musicals and whatnot. Anyone still doing marathons like those in theatres?

I didn’t think the alien invasion would arrive before we indicted Trump, but here we are.

So, I always knew the alien invasion would be barely covered by the press!

Have a chance that i could be on a true crime doc! Another random thing that just falls into my lap by chance

I worked an event at Arion Press Gallery last night with an Armenian singer Hasmik Hartyunyan, and while I’ve heard a few Armenian folks songs at work, hearing em live was incredible!

Companies I miss - Digital Equipment Corporation, Odwallah, Androbot

My kids' school read-a-thon begins today. My oldest has won the school-wide total the last 2 years, as a kindergardener and 1st grader. He has set a goal of 100+ hours reading. No question he's mine...

Every week, some of the political commentators say "Trump's gonna have a bad bad weekend" and notes that this will be the week indictments are handed down. Sadly, the hope that that seems to get brighter and dimmer at the same time...

Having spent twenty years studying computer art and music makes listening to talks about computer art from Art Museums kinda maddening.

Working on an issue of The Drink Tank about Welcome to Night Vale and this was a piece when I tried for "Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home"

At SFMoMA today and it’s got a wonderful Joan Brown exhibit but sadly I missed seeing the Rivera exhibition again!

I'm a language nerd, I've even constructed my own (it's hard!) and I've been contemplating translating some of my writing into Mutsun, the language of our tribe. The things that pop up when I'm allowed to browse Wikipedia unsupervised

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Johnny Eponymous

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