Day 63 of back injury recovery:
Sometimes I wonder how belly sleepers avoid suffocation without getting neck strain.

I've had various dungeon masters look at my new warlock recently in the hopes that I get to take her for a spin and nearly everyone so far thinks my homebrewed patron is really neat but an unusual number of them are thrown for a loop when they see my stats at first level being so high from a point buy, not realizing that I'm playing a standard vanilla human instead of a variant human. Are people so into min-maxing that variants are the norm and standard humans are the anomaly?

Changing the time on clocks by an hour twice a year is dumb and the people who ever had a reason to invent it are all dead, so we should stop changing the time on clocks twice a year.

I don't even live in a place that observes clock changes and it's still annoying because apparently all meetings revolve around what time it is on the US east coast.

Just go to GMT/UTC +/- whatever number and be done with it.

When someone asks you "Pizza or bagel?" and you answer "yes".

Woo, 172! I knew I felt good getting out of the shower today. Planks have been good to me.

I started making pizza bagels a few nights ago and they've since become a house favorite.

I'm only a morning person in the sense that I'm often awake during the morning, not because I'm any good at waking up in the morning.

This cat aggressively demands to sleep by my feet and shed on my floor. She doesn't want to sleep on my lap or my bed, specifically just by my feet.

My eclipse pictures from last night, first two are 5 second exposures and the last one is a 25 second exposure:

It's tool sharpening day. The axes and the multitool have already seen a grinder for chips and just need to be touched up, but the shears need to be done completely by hand.

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Joe Buettner

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.