@jjmacnab NIST is into all kinds of shit including AI
@jjmacnab Not that I think anyone should have a beef with NIST, just saying there's plenty for the nutters to get hold of
@jjmacnab Sure, it's a party you desire? It's prison prom season.
He's a martyr.
We FLAY martyrs, right?
Stupendous, another graduate of the Hogwarts School of Constitutional Law.
@jjmacnab yeah. A 23 year old Chevy van that’s “self driving”. (Makes crazy brain gesture)
@jjmacnab maybe someone from/aligned with the same nutty contingent that wants to do away with the depts of energy and education, IRS, etc?
They always put the best bits in the footnotes.
"Notably, NIST has a nuclear reactor on its property."