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Hi there! I am new here! By day I am an academic administrator for a large film school in NYC. I am also a poet & US policy scholar by night (part-time Masters student). Most of my written work in fiction is erotic in nature. This is my alt-real life persona.

If it sounds like I am angry, don't worry, it's just the difference in our accents. I am from NY.

Jess Leigh boosted

Friday will be an interesting day. Everyone get some rest. Have your welcome baskets ready to hand out.

We’ve been through several waves before. This one has the potential for being a Tsunami if those currently on the 🐦 are serious. The feeds will move fast and furiously.

There will be those who will test the waters with ill intent. Don’t engage, but report if needed. We don’t have to impress. The community does that just by existing. It’s who we are.

This could be the threshold crossing. 🤞

Well, I had been meaning to transfer all my internet stuffs to my new phone.

My daughter thinks Spiderman's name is Miles Morales.

This is especially hilarious because my husband's first name is Peter.

I drank like too much coffee way too later and now I am WIRED.

I have no idea if I'll ever sleep again.

Guess I'll listen to every Botch record ever made.

I'm gonna start with We are the Romans...

Jess Leigh boosted
Jess Leigh boosted
Jess Leigh boosted
Jess Leigh boosted
Jess Leigh boosted
Jess Leigh boosted

It's commendable that you write with a pen and a notebook first but really - let's not be pretentious about it.

Jess Leigh boosted

How Private Equity is Making Your Life More Expensive | Robert Reich

I napped yesterday and I slept for like a full 8 hours. I feel so awake and I'm like *dead*

Jess Leigh boosted

Another 📸 story? Why not 🤷🏻‍♂️

I found myself sitting in the Sony Centre, late at night, 1st visit to . I was hiding in there as my college class were doing my head in. Imagine a full on pissed off Scotsman 🤬 - that kinda mood 😂

I’m sitting there, chilling out, ignoring my phone, messing with my camera. Took a slow shutter 📸 I didn’t look at again for 8 years. Downloaded it and forgot about it.

Moral to the story?

That’s for you to decide 😂

IDGAF about the Heard/Depo trail. I don't need a media lense to tell me they both suck.

I don't loudly discuss my on social media because it's relatively new. Also, folks can mistake it for grandstanding if they are suffering but that's not my intention. Since we are a good positive space over here, I'm gonna just do a little soberity check I usually do with my best friends:

It's been 20 days (yay).
I'm going to a cocktail party in ten minutes.
I'm gonna eat all the fucking cheese. Like, watch out.


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Jess Leigh

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.