Been a while since I posted BUT never fear, I’m back!
In light of the California fires and major snow storms in parts of the country, I wanted to share this site with you guys - my friend started this company that organizes rescue efforts from civilians when emergency crews are inundated with calls. Check it out and join if you can!

- Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg donates record-breaking .8 billion to Johns Hopkins University.

Over 1,300 are missing in the which begs the question, why are these fires so catastrophic? Here’s an interesting read.

While, indeed, drought and other environmental factors fuel these flames, mismanagement of our forests and overregulation of clearing efforts lead to a decrease in preventative measures, only making these fires bigger, hotter and harder to contain.

Best observation of the day:
With the dawning of driverless vehicles, there will be an increase in road intercourse.

It was Aristotle who said that man is most rational when your rhetoric appeals to ethos and logos...seems pathos is currently king...

A True ‘Jenny’

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