Asylum Street Spankers (Christina Mars) - Shave 'Em Dry
(The dirtiest song from the early-1900s - I love it!)
@JonathanF Wow! I rarely meet people who know the Spankers! I hung out with them for a hot minute (dated(ish) one of 'em). Great musicians, helluva sense of humour, most of them.
@jenneviere My wife knows a few of them (shot lyrics back and forth with Wammo that became later songs - Yellow Ribbon being one of them - which I should also post, now that I think about it). They helped raise money for her after Katrina. Such amazingly talented musicians.
@JonathanF Yellow ribbon is another fanfuckingtastic one.
I sang with one of them at the Utah here in San Francisco for one of the open mic nights.
@JonathanF I have some stories, that's for sure!
(please remember it was over a decade ago and judge me gently 😂 )
@jenneviere If it's any incentive, my wife makes alcoholic milkshakes that are absolutely tasty and harmless (until you try to stand up), and I always make something like homemade soft pretzels, Irish tiramisu (that will get you buzzed), and other treats.
@JonathanF I have no idea where you're from, but y'all sound an absolute treat!
@jenneviere New Orleans, now in Georgia.
@JonathanF We'll have to work hard at those bi-coastal cocktails then, I'm in San Francisco.
@jenneviere That's near where my wife grew up!
We'll have to figure something out.
@jenneviere Same for us! So we can have some drinks, enjoy the live music (we always have artists play our parties - Beth Patterson, Debbie Davis, Josh Paxton, etc.), and reminisce about things that may or may not have happened, replete with imbelishments.