Was today especially hard for anyone else?

Because today was a tough one all around, at least for me.

Idea for a scaled down Thanksgiving :

My family (wife, 2 small kids) are going to do what we did last year:

A Baked Potato Bar.

Bake up a bunch of big 'tatoes, and have cheese, bacon, sour cream, broccoli, chili... whatever you want!

Everyone gets what they want, and you can make homefries the next morning with the leftovers!

it's 4 am here, and I should sleep.

I hope that I see this time of day less and less in the future, but sleep is elusive when worry is constant.

Off to try anyway!

I haven't been around here in a while.

How's it going?

If you have to request an "ethics waiver" for an activity, maybe that activity isn't something that should be done.

Why is an "ethics waiver" a thing anyway? It feels like it's something created specifically to apply to behaviors retroactively and that's... pretty fucked up.

We live in the weirdest times in recorded history, right?

I mean, this shit is *so* bad, but it's also just so fuckin' *weird*.

I think that's part of the reason out brains have trouble processing it all.

The other part is how big, blatant, and surreal it all is.

And as always,

$500k from idiots divided by 17 lawyers is...

*does calculations*

$29,114 per.

Who knew you could buy souls for so little?
I wonder if he gets a deal if he buys them in bulk.

I feel like we're all stuck in the dot over the "i" in Jeremy Bearimy.

Me : *sings along to music*

3 : "No Daddy! Don't sing!"

Me : "Listen, little girl. You're here because of Daddy's singing"

Wife, from other room : "TRUTH!"


Any CoSoPros on who can tell me what the alert is all about?


Every day I hope that the people of the world will stop being aggressively stupid.

Every day it gets worse.

I'm trying to raise my kids to not be horrible.

But he's growing up in a world where ignorance is celebrated and intelligence is belittled, while the cruel, the evil, and the stupid rise to power.

This is way harder than I was led to believe it was going to be.

Lindsey Graham went from "If we elect this crazy sonifabitch, we deserve what we get because he's fucking crazy!" to "TRUMP IS THE BEST PRESIDENT TO EVER PRESIDENT LONG LIFE AND GOOD HEALTH TO GLORIOUS SUPREME LEADER GOD-KING WHO WILL SMITE THE EVIL LEFT!"

So, my question is : ?

"Extreme : III Sides to Every Story : III - The Truth"

This is one of my favorite pieces of music to ever exist.


For anyone who is interested, you too can use the fun "™" symbol.

Hold ALT+0153

That's all tonight from James' House of Useless Yet Interesting Information™!

We really do live in The Stupidest Timeline™, don't we?

I mean, I understand it's technically seditious, but I wake up every morning hoping to see "Donald Trump Dead. Nobody Really Cares How Or Why, But Someone Finally Had Enough Of His Bullshit".

Angry is my default position lately.

I knew the future would be stupid; the GOP has been cutting education to dumb down the populace to pull off what they are pulling off now for *decades*.

I just thought we could beat it.

The stupid is real strong, though.

He didn't have enough fuel to fly away from his demons.

Check on your friends tonight, OK?

I mean, isn't this the kind of shit that leads to heads on pikes on the South Lawn?

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James McGarvey III

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.